Wear Your Letters Wednesday | Indiana State University / https://www.indstate.edu/event/wear-your-letters-wednesday-1
Wear Your Letters Wednesday | Indiana State University / https://www.indstate.edu/event/wear-your-letters-wednesday-1
Wear Your Letters Wednesday
Event Type: All
Location: On campus
Date: Repeats every month on February, March, April, May on the first Wednesday 5 times.
Wednesday January 4, 2023
Wednesday February 1, 2023
Wednesday March 1, 2023
Wednesday April 5, 2023
Wednesday May 3, 2023
Time: 12:00am
Contact: kennaemiller20@gmail.com
Phone: (317) 498-3391
Description: All faculty, staff, and students affiliated with a Greek-letter organization are invited to "wear their letters" or fraternity/sorority apparel on the first Wednesday of each month!
Be sure to share a photo in your letters/Greek apparel with ISU-FSL@mail.indstate.edu or on social media by tagging @indstatefsl. Include your initiating chapter/year and a brief reflection.
Original source can be found here.